Land north of Allimore Lane, Alcester public inquiry

This article is 11 years old


Published on 20 November 2013
Archived on 20 December 2013

A public inquiry starts next week on Tuesday 26 November 2013, following 2 appeals for land north of Allimore Lane in Alcester by J S Bloor (Tamworth) Ltd and Gallagher Estates, Pettifer Developments & Bloor Homes for the development of 160 houses (northern site) and 190 houses (southern site).

The two appeals relate to the planning applications for the construction for a maximum of 160 dwellings with associated car parking, access, infrastructure provision and open space (at northern site) and the construction of a maximum of 190 dwellings with associated car parking, access, infrastructure provision and open space (at southern site).

Stratford-on-Avon District Council refused the JS Bloor application (11/02767/OUT) on the 4 June and the joint application from Gallagher Estates, Pettifer Developments and Bloor Homes (11/02895/OUT) on 10 September 2013.

The District Council, following legal advice will not be defending the appeal.

The inquiry, expected to last for 4 days, will be held at The Shakespeare Centre, Henley Street Stratford-upon-Avon on 26 and 27 November and then at Elizabeth House on 28 and 29 November, starting at 10am each day.  A Government Planning Inspector will preside over the inquiry.  The final decision will be made by the Secretary of State.

Members of the public may attend the inquiry and express their view – at the discretion of the inspector.

Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/J3720/A/13/2202101 and APP/J3720/A/13/2205529.

The decision not to defend these reasons for refusal at the hearing has been taken after seeking legal advice on the strength of the Council's position in this matter. It is a requirement of the planning appeal process that all parties act reasonably and this means that cases must be reviewed in the light of any new material information ahead of any hearing. It is as a result of meeting this requirement that the Council has taken this decision.

The 2 appeals have been 'recovered' by the Secretary of State to determine himself.  This is because the appeals involve proposals for residential development of over 150 units or on sites of over five hectares, which would significantly impact on the government's objective to secure a better balance between housing demand and supply and create high quality, sustainable, mixed and inclusive communities.  The planning inspector will therefore run the appeal; the inspector will prepare a report and recommendation, which will then be forwarded to the Secretary of State for him to make the decision.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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