City deal success

This article is 11 years old


Published on 12 December 2013
Archived on 12 January 2014

The Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership has clinched a major City Deal for the regionafter a successful bid to Government.

A five-strong team – led by CWLEP chair Sir Peter Rigby – presented the area's City Deal proposition, which is designed to stimulate and enable growth in the regional economy – to ministers in October and it has now been given the green light by the Government.

City Deals are designed to put cities and areas in control of the economic opportunities and challenges they face and to give them increased powers to meet local and regional needs.

The CWLEP's proposition is centred around the Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering sector with a major emphasis on encouraging growth by making it easier for companies to realise expansion plans through simplifying routes to advice, finance and skills

It has devised a way to provide business with a single point of contact - “the Clearing House".  The CWLEP intends to use this function to connect local and central government, educational institutions and others with businesses and can achieve that through their positive and proactive relationship with central government. 

The Clearing House will provide access to advisors on key matters relating to business support, access to finance, planning related matters and contacts related to employment requirements and skills.

Sir Peter Rigby said:  “We devised and presented a very strong proposition which was well received and understood and we are delighted to be given the full go ahead.

“The ministers and officials are aware of how, in the last 18 months, the LEP really has made strides in helping to create growth and we believe our City Deal proposition is a very exciting way of ensuring that it continues and gains further pace and momentum.

"There is a myriad of advice and support out there, but it is a very cluttered and confusing landscape and we believe that puts many companies off or directs them wrongly. That inhibits their ability to gain the support they need and therefore hampers growth.

“The Clearing House will cut through all that and present a clear and concise service to ensure companies are directed to the relevant support, quickly and accurately. Businesses need to be able to concentrate on what they do best, and this will allow them to do that while also accessing what they need to help them grow."

Cllr Chris Saint, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council says: "All Councils have worked together on this scheme and we welcome the oppotuinty for local and national government to work together to provide positive support for our local economy."

About City Deal

City Deals allow areas to negotiate with the government to win new powers in exchange for greater responsibility to stimulate and support economic growth.

About Clearing House

Structured to deliver.  Our Clearing House for businesses sits at the heart of the CWLEP City Deal bid, with the objective of making it easy for AMEs – where the CWLEP has great heritage – to access funding and support.

This can be adopted as best practice for a business engagement model across the UK, irrespective of sectors or geography.


The role of Coventry & Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership has grown and strengthened continuously since its inception in January 2011.  CWLEP is now the guiding force that ensures all private and public sector parties in the region are working together with a common, shared purpose – to make a difference to the economy and increase prosperity.

The LEP is legally incorporated with strong governance and a Board comprising leading business figures and key public sector and university representatives – all united under the leadership of Sir Peter Rigby.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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