Update on Local Service Villages in Stratford District

This article is 10 years old


Published on 4 February 2014
Archived on 4 March 2014

Stratford-on-Avon District Council is currently preparing the submission draft Core Strategy to shape future sustainable development in the District.  A key element of the District Council's emerging plan is the dispersal approach to providing future housing development in the District.  This relies on the more sustainable rural settlements across the District – known as Local Service Villages – taking a share of the overall housing development proportionate to their scale and character. 

A methodology has been devised to identify which settlements should be designated as Local Service Villages (LSVs).  Following ongoing consultation and analysis this methodology has been revised, resulting in four groups of LSVs each with a different scale of housing development proposed.  The analysis looks at the size of the village and the presence of local shopping, school and public transport services.

The updated methodology makes it clear that to qualify as an LSV the settlement must have at least 100 dwellings.  In addition the latest round of assessment has updated the analysis of public transport provision, taking account of:

  • Current bus timetables.
  • The availability of 'peak time' public transport suitable for journeys to work.
  • The availability of public transport not only through the village but also in close proximity to it.

This has resulted in eight villages being recategorised - Aston Cantlow, Ettington, Lighthorne, Lighthorne Health, Long Marston, Snitterfield, Stockton and Tanworth-in-Arden.

With the revised methodology Kings Coughton, Stretton-on-Fosse and TempleGrafton would be deleted as Local Service Villages and Aston Cantlow and Lighthorne would become designated as Local Service Villages.

Cllr Chris Saint, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council says: “We are updating a principle first adopted in 2006 that will help us control development in our smaller communities.  We plan to restrict any expansion of our settlements to a scale in keeping with their size and character using a process that can be applied fairly throughout the District.  The revisions will be incorporated into the Proposed Submission Core Strategy, expected to be considered by the Council in May."

It is expected that around 1,800 dwellings will be provided by the dispersal method in Local Service Villages over the 20 years of the plan period, an average of 90 dwellings each year across 44 villages.

This is an item on the Enterprise, Planning and Housing Policy Advisory Panel due to meet on Tuesday 11 February.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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