Stratford District Council take ownership of the Greig Centre, Alcester

This article is 10 years old


Published on 10 March 2014
Archived on 10 April 2014

Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Cabinet has today, Monday 10 March secured the future of the Greig Centre in Alcester.

The Cabinet has recommended Option 2 - the Managed Transition of site to Stratford District Council ownership. 

In selecting Option 2 it is also agreed that:          

  • In recognition of the delay between this decision and the implementation date financial support not exceeding £4,000 pcm be made to the Greig Trustees to be used solely to balance any deficit in revenue, for a period not exceeding two months.  To be funded from General Fund Reserves.

  • An offer not exceeding £25,000 be made to Unity Trust Bank in relation to the outstanding charge relating to the Greig site and that a charge of £155,000 from Unity Trust Bank be allowed for a maximum period of 30 years from date of transfer, to be realised if the site is disposed of in this time for any other use than is covered by the existing covenant.  To be funded from General Fund Reserves.

  • SLM Ltd be instructed to engage with the Greig Trustees to enable a managed transition immediately, and following consultation with the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Technical Services, the Assistant Chief Executive agree the terms of the interim contract for the management of the facility, pursuant to clauses 5(b) and clause 11(V) of Contract Standing Orders. To be funded from General Fund Reserves.

  • That a condition survey be undertaken in relation to the LifestylesBuilding and dependent upon the result a bid be made as soon as practically possible to the Sport England Improvement Fund.

  • The Greig Trustees expedite all necessary arrangements with the Charity Commission with the view of managed transition of the site to the ownership of the District Council.

  • The Assistant Chief Executive following consultation with the Leader and the Portfolio Holder for Technical Services be authorised to take any other decision or action necessary to implement Option 2.

  • Progress and expenditure to be subject to Budget Monitoring processes.

  • Failure to conclude arrangements in this timescale will mean that the Council revert to Option 1.

Cllr Lynda Organ, Technical Services Portfolio says: “This has been a long process and officers at the District Council have been working with the Greig Trustees over recent months to try and find a way to resolve the difficult situation that exists around the Greig Hall and the Lifestyles building.  The District Council recognises the value and importance of the Greig Centre in the community and as such will be looking to undertake the transfer of the ownership of the whole site to the District Council in order to secure its future and preserve on-going leisure provision in the area."

Background information

The Greig Site

The Trustees of the Hannah Susan Greig Memorial Trust (Trust) has operated in Alcester for almost 60 years. It has historically operated the Greig Hall and associated outbuildings, a sports centre and tennis courts.

The site comprises 3.4 acres and incorporates a number of individual buildings including:

  • The Greig Hall - this facility is closed and comprises a main hall/bar including a stage and two further function rooms with bar/kitchen facilities.
  • The LifestylesBuilding - this is currently open and comprises a sports hall (4 badminton court size), 49 station gym, dance studio, Treatment/Physiotherapy room.
  • Squash Courts – 2 courts which whilst open are currently in a state of disrepair, these are thought to be the only pay and play squash courts within the District.
  • Army Cadets Hut- the hut is owned by the cadets with the site leased to the cadets. The hut is in the North-West corner of the site and is in good condition.
  • Studio – very run down pair of buildings used in the past for nursery/play group and store for the Greig Hall.
  • Multi use games area / tennis courts – these are not currently used and would require investment to bring back into use.
  • Parking – there are a total of 47 parking bays on site of which 5 are for disabled use. There is capacity on site for additional parking by the side of the Greig Hall.

In October 2005 The Council entered into a funding agreement of £800,000 with the Trust.  The funding was predominately used to refurbish and modernise the Lifestyles building on the site and works were completed by January 2007.

In December 2007 a further loan was agreed with Unity Trust Bank and during 2010 a planning application for development of the site for housing was submitted to the District Council and refused.

In August 2011 The Trust announced the closure of the Greig Hall.

Please note this item is still subject to call-in.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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