Core Strategy reports to be published

This article is 10 years old


Published on 16 April 2014
Archived on 16 May 2014

Stratford-on-Avon District Council will be publishing the latest series of reports on the Core Strategy following the most recent round of consultation today, Wednesday 16 April.

There are a number of reports due before the Special Cabinet meeting on Monday 28 April:


  • Affordable Housing and Core Strategy Viability Study
  • Canal Quarter – Development and Viability      
  • Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Report 2014      
  • Housing Site – Selection of Preferred Option
  • Stratford-on-Avon District Core Strategy – Focused Consultation: 2011-2031 Housing Requirement and Strategic Site Options
  • Stratford-on-Avon Strategic Transport Assessment – Options Analysis Report and Cumulative Assessmen
  • Viability and Deliverability of Strategic Sites    
  • Water Cycle Study Update 2014  

Key findings: 

  • All five strategic options set out in the Focused Consultation present reasonable alternatives that are both viable and deliverable.
  • Each option presents different challenges and opportunities; its eventual impact depends on how effectively the impacts are mitigated.
  • The Southeast Stratford-upon-Avon and Long Marston Airfield options both require the provision of a new relief road, the deliverability of which cannot currently be guaranteed.
  • The Further Dispersal option would potentially result in pressures that are more difficult to mitigate than those associated with a single strategic site.
  • Based on the responses to the consultation, the public preferences are the proposals at Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath and Long Marston Airfield.
  • There is no evidence to suggest that new locations promoted to the Council via the consultation process present a more sustainable option than those that have been fully tested and subjected to public consultation.
  • Each option can be progressed relatively quickly, but there are fewer short term risks involved in the Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath option – this is likely to deliver slightly more homes than the other options during the next 5 years.

The Cabinet will identify the strategic option/preferred site to be included in the proposed Submission Core Strategy at the meeting on Monday 28 April.  This recommendation will then go forward to the Special Full Council meeting on Monday 12 May, as part of the proposed Submission Core Strategy. 

  • The Core Strategy is intended to guide the District's future development from 2011-2031.
  • The District housing requirement for the plan period will be agreed in parallel with the choice of a preferred development option, and under the consultation was proposed to be 10,800.
  • The strategic sites consulted on were:
    • South East Stratford
      up to 2,750 homes and 8ha of employment land generally between Banbury Road and Tiddington Road

    • Long Marston Airfield
      up to 3,500 homes and 13ha of employment land west of the B4632 Camden Road

    • Southam North
      up to 2,000 homes adjacent to the A423 between Southam and Long Itchington

    • Lower Farm, Stoneythorpe
      up to 800 homes on the south side of the A425 west of Southam.

    • Gaydon/Lighthorne Health
      up to 3,000 homes and 100ha of employment land to facilitate the expansion of JLR

    • Further dispersal
      up to 2,500 homes dispersed across the District


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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