HS2 Petition

This article is 10 years old


Published on 20 May 2014
Archived on 20 June 2014

Stratford-on-Avon District Council has submitted a Petition to the House of Commons about the Government's proposed high speed railway (HS2).

In its Petition, the District Council raises a wide range of concerns and issues regarding the impact of the railway during its construction and operation along the 13 kilometre section of the route running through the District. Overall, the District Council believes that none of the communities affected will gain any direct benefit from the railway.

Consequently, it is reasonable to expect the scheme to incorporate mitigation over and above what is currently proposed in order to reduce the impact of the railway on the environment, local residents, businesses and communities.

The District Council has worked closely with Warwickshire County Council, Parish/Town Councils and local action groups to ensure that our petitions are consistent and present a united front.

Mitigation measures sought by the District Council include:

  • Modifying the tunnel under Long Itchington & Ufton Woods so that it is bored for its full length.
  • Placing the railway in a tunnel to the north-east of Ladbroke to reduce its impact on the village.
  • Lowering the railway near Wormleighton to reduce noise and visual impact on the local area.
  • Modifying various highway arrangements during the construction phase.

The District Council has also put forward a number of projects to compensate for the considerable impact the railway will have that cannot be mitigated entirely. These include:

  • Funding the provision of a permanent home for the Cardall Collection, a local history archive of Southam.
  • Providing an area of public open space near to Southam due to the loss of open land and impact on rights of way in the area.
  • Establishing a fund to compensate businesses that can prove a loss of income as a result of the construction of the railway.
  • Providing a 'green infrastructure' scheme between Ladbroke and Wormleighton to incorporate improvements to habitats, landscape and public access.

Background information

  • A 13 kilometre section of the route runs through the eastern part of the District between Wormleighton and Ufton, passing between Ladbroke and Southam.

  • The Petitioning process is not an opportunity to object to the principle of HS2 or the proposed route. These have already been approved by Parliament.

  • Individuals and organisations are able to submit Petitions that seek changes to the provisions of the HS2 Bill and to the detail of the scheme's design.

  • Petitioning could result in the Bill being amended, or in mitigation or compensation being secured, through legally binding undertakings and assurances given by the promoters.

  • Petitioners have the opportunity to appear before a House of Commons Select Committee in order to make oral submissions and call evidence in support of their case.

  • The Select Committee is due to begin sitting at the beginning of July and will consider petitions in geographical order, starting in Birmingham. This process is likely to take a number of months.

  • The Select Committee will report to the House of Commons and its recommendations will be considered and the Bill potentially amended before it receives Royal Assent.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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