Decisions made in the next steps of Stratford District's Core Strategy

This article is 10 years old


Published on 28 April 2014
Archived on 28 May 2014

Today, Monday 28 April Stratford-on-Avon District Council's Cabinet received a number of reports surrounding the emerging Core Strategy - the document that will help shape future development in the District.

The reports were received as follows:

  • Stratford-on-Avon Strategic Transport Assessment – Options Analysis Report and Cumulative Assessment
    Recommendation to Council - That the Stratford-on-Avon Strategic Transport Assessment – Options Analysis Report and Cumulative Assessment be received as evidence to inform the preparation of the Proposed Submission Core Strategy - Agreed

  • Water Cycle Study Update 2014                     
    Recommendation to Council - That the Water Cycle Study Update 2014 be received as evidence to inform the preparation of the Proposed Submission Core Strategy - Agreed

  • Viability and Deliverability of Strategic Sites   
    Recommendation to Council - That the Viability and Deliverability of Strategic Sites Study be received as evidence to inform the preparation of the Proposed Submission Core Strategy - Agreed

  • Canal Quarter – Development and Viability      
    Recommendation to Council - That the Canal Quarter Study (in Appendix 1) be received as evidence to support the preparation of the Proposed Submission Core Strategy – Agreed subject to a further report being presented to The Cabinet on 12 May (to inform a decision on the need to retain the option of providing for commercial development on land east of Birmingham Road).

  • Affordable Housing and Core Strategy Viability Study
    Recommendation to Council - That the contents of the Affordable Housing and Core Strategy Viability Study be received as evidence to inform the preparation of the proposed submission Core Strategy, other development plan documents and the Council's Housing Strategy - Agreed

  • Habitat Regulations Assessment
    Recommendation to Council - That the Habitat Regulations Screening Report (Appendix 1) be received as evidence to inform the preparation of the Proposed Submission Core Strategy - Agreed

  • Focused Consultation: 2011-2031 Housing Requirement and Strategic Site Options

    Recommendations to Council:

1.   That the responses concerning the change to the plan period be noted and the proposed Submission Core Strategy be prepared on the basis of a plan period from 2011 to 2031 - Agreed

2.    That the responses to the housing requirement figure be noted and The Cabinet accordingly confirms the number of homes over the plan period that should be included in the proposed Submission Core Strategy – a confirmed figure of 10,800 Agreed

3.    That the responses concerning the strategic development options be noted and be used to inform the identification of a preferred option to be included in the proposed Submission Core Strategy - Agreed

  • Housing Site – Selection of Preferred Option
    Recommendation to Council - That a preferred option be identified for inclusion in the Proposed Submission Core Strategy as the strategic site for provision of housing to meet the Council's objectively-assessed housing need – Gaydon/Lighthorne Health site

In summary

  • The proposed Submission Core Strategy for Stratford-on-Avon District will run from 2011 to 2031
  • The District housing requirement for the plan period was confirmed as 10,800
  • The strategic option/preferred development option is Gaydon/Lighthorne Health.

These recommendations will now go forward to the Special Full Council meeting on Monday 12 May, as part of the proposed Submission Core Strategy.

Today's meeting was also webcast and can be viewed again by visiting


Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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