Stratford and South Warwickshire Sunbeds Fail Safety Tests

This article is 10 years old


Published on 1 July 2014
Archived on 1 August 2014

Tests on sunbeds across the Stratford-on-Avon District revealed that 33% of salons visited had one or more beds that were emitting UV radiation above the acceptable British Standard.

Warwickshire County Council's Trading Standards Service, working with Stratford District Council's Environmental Health Service visited six High Street salons in the District and tested the UV emissions of 12 sunbeds.

Sunbeds must not emit UV levels higher than 0.3 W/m2 (equivalent to the intensity of the midday sun in the summer in the Mediterranean). Salons also need to ensure that they are restricting access to sunbeds to anyone aged below 18 years.

In the year 2013 there was a reported 8% rise from the previous year in the number of reported incidences of malignant melanoma in Warwickshire.  In 2013 the number of reported incidents rose to 81.

Problems were identified with four beds used in two salons. Two sunbeds were found to be emitting UV radiation over 0.46W/m². Where sunbeds were found to be non-compliant, salon owners voluntarily undertook to correct the problems in order to bring their sunbeds within the British Standard.

Tanning sunbeds use ultraviolet lamps to provide a cosmetic tan. The safe limits stipulated in the British Standard are equivalent to the UV radiation emitted by the midday Mediterranean sun.

Officers testing the sunbeds checked that the fluorescent lamps were not too strong and that only lamps that meet the British Standard were being used.

High levels of Ultra Violet Radiation (UVR) from equipment can cause injuries and ill health to both staff and customers, including sunburn, conjunctivitis and long term issues of skin cancer, cataracts and premature skin aging.

Cllr Les Caborn, Warwickshire County Council's portfolio holder for community safety, said:  “We are working with high street salons to improve compliance with the British Standard and protect our residents from the dangers of over exposure to UV rays from sunbeds."

“We know that sunbeds are popular so we must do what we can to regulate them and reduce the risk to users. Officers have visited sunbed operators in South Warwickshire to ensure they are aware of their legal obligation to ensure sunbed users are not put at excessive risk."

Cllr Sir William Lawrence, Environmental Services Portfolio, added: “I am pleased with the responsible manner shown by the owners once the defects were pointed out, however it shows many salon owners don't know the health risks their customers are facing."

There is further sunbed related information and advice for both customers and staff on these websites:

Health and Safety Executive:

NHS Choices:

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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