Poor housing accommodation closed down

This article is 10 years old


Published on 16 September 2014
Archived on 16 October 2014

Stratford-on-Avon District Council has successfully closed down a 'House in Multiple Occupation' (HMO) that was being run without a licence in Stratford-upon-Avon.

The District Council took enforcement action at a property in Hathaway Green Lane after officers inspected the house, following a complaint from an occupant and the refusal of the landlord/agent to bring the property up to the required Management Regulations.

These included inadequate fire regulations, such as inappropriate means of escape, inadequate fire doors and doors that could be padlocked from outside meaning occupants could not escape from their rooms in the event of a fire.  There was poor electrical safety, providing risk of electrocution and a potential exposure to asbestos fibres.

Maurice Howse, Enterprise, Housing and Revenues Portfolio says: “The vast majority of landlords work well with the District Council and provide good quality accommodation.  However, the District Council will not hesitate to enforce the law where tenant's health and safety is at risk and landlords blatantly disregard the law. 

“The District Council's Private Sector Housing team will continue to work proactively to safeguard vulnerable tenants, ensuring those who live in rented accommodation across the District can have the confidence that the District Council will continue to lead in closing down these illegal activities and deal with those responsible appropriately.'

The Housing Act 2004 requires licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation for 3-storey properties occupied by 5 or more tenants sharing amenities and the District Council can set conditions to the licence including the use of rooms and numbers of people in occupation.

This is a statutory obligation on the District Council due to the increase risk of injury and death in large Houses in Multiple Occupation and it is an offence to breach any licence conditions.

If you have any information that would assist the District Council about this type of property that you know may be operating illegally then please contact the Private Sector Housing Team on 01789 260125 or on PSHT@stratford-dc.gov.uk.



Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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