Countdown to Shakespeare's Birthday Celebrations 2015 - Organisers Rally Support for Shakespeare's Birthday Parade

This article is 10 years old


Published on 28 October 2014
Archived on 28 November 2014

The countdown to the 2015 Shakespeare's Birthday Celebrations on 25 April will begin this Thursday night, 30 October at 6.30pm, when Stratford Town and District Councils will host 180 guests from across the District's business and cultural communities at a high profile receptionin Stratford-upon-Avon Town Hall, which will launch The Friends of Shakespeare's Celebrations.

With just 177 days to go, Shakespeare's Celebrations is promoting new opportunities for businesses and local organisation to support this festival which is unique to Stratford.  These include promotional flags and pedestrian rail banners, which will line Stratford's streets during the traditional Birthday Parade.  Organisers are also seeking more substantial sponsorship from Corporate Partners, particularly to fund Shakespeare's giant Birthday Cake, which took such a prominent part in this year's procession. 

Private individuals are also being invited to give their support and become a Friend of Shakespeare's Celebrations through contributing financially or volunteering to be Stewards, Marshalls or Playmakers who were introduced this year to welcome and give information to people attending the festival.

“Our guests can look forward to being both well informed and well entertained at this momentous event" commented Mayor of Stratford-upon-Avon, Cllr. Ian Fradgley.   “We are honoured that local distinguished actor, David Bradley, has taken time out of his very busy schedule to deliver the event's keynote speech.  We're also delighted to have a programme of music from the distinguished and locally based ensemble, English Serenata, directed by flautist, Gabrielle Byam-Grounds.  Music from Shakespeare's era will be performed alongside contemporary music, composed for productions of his plays.  We will also enjoy a performance from Stratford-upon-Avon School music students.  We do hope that guests will have a memorable time and leave fired up to support our plans."

“Heritage tourism makes a considerable and significant contribution to the regional and local economy," added Cllr. Maurice Howse, Stratford District Council's Portfolio Holder for Enterprise, Housing and Revenue. “Stratford's globally renowned association with William Shakespeare is a treasure, enjoyed by the town and region. If you consider that in 2012 visitors to Shakespeare's England spent approximately £417 million*, while tourists to Stratford Town, alone, spent approximately £130 million*, it's clear that our community must safeguard every aspect of this priceless, local culture for future generations."

(*Source: 2012 Tourism Economic Impact Assessments, Shakespeare's England, Stratford District and Stratford Town)

The event, co-hosted by Stratford Town and District Councils, is being held to introduce key figures in and around Stratford to a recently established initiative, which will fund and secure the future of the town's traditional Shakespeare's Birthday Celebrations.  Guests will be the first to hear innovative proposals to safeguard the tradition for years to come, from 2015 onwards and including plans for 2016, the 400th anniversary of The Bard's death.

Shakespeare Celebrations Partners
Holy Trinity Church
King Edward VI School
Royal Shakespeare Company
Shakespeare Birthday Company
Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Stratford Town Trust
Stratford-upon-Avon Town Council                                                        

Shakespeare's Celebrations
is a recent initiative, between Stratford Town and District Councils and community partners.  It is dedicated to leading the world in celebrating William Shakespeare's life, through developing the traditional and globally recognised Shakespeare's Birthday Celebrations in his home town of Stratford-upon-Avon.

Shakespeare's Celebrations and its partners are committed to ensuring that the Celebrations will continue to take place from next year and beyond, so that Stratford's unique heritage will benefit the town and district's communities and economy for many years to come.  If this is to happen, it is essential that the festival becomes sustainable and independent of public subsidy.

The traditional Birthday Celebrations, which date back to 1824, have always been held in Stratford on the Saturday closest to the Bard's birthday on 23 April (also believed to be the date of his death). 

The Birthday Parade is a spectacle of worldwide and local dignitaries, community groups and schools, alongside prominent figures and well-known faces from the worlds of theatre, academia and culture.  Ceremonies include the unfurling of more than a hundred flags in Stratford's town centre, followed by a procession into Holy Trinity Church to see Shakespeare's grave, adorned with flowers.  




Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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