Planning Notices - 10 November I

This article is 10 years old


Published on 10 November 2014
Archived on 7 December 2014



Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below

Application No. (Conservation Area) Details

14/01551/FUL Conversion of listed farmhouse to 2 dwellings.  Formation of new front door and internal alterations. Demolition of outbuilding. at Hercules Farm Henley Road Claverdon Warwick CV35 8LJ for John Stark

14/01553/LBC Conversion of listed farmhouse to 2 dwellings.  Formation of new front door, insertion of new staircase and blocking up of two internal doors. Demolition of outbuilding. at Hercules Farm Henley Road Claverdon Warwick CV35 8LJ for John Stark

14/02817/FUL Construction of detached dwelling house with attached single garage at Daffodil Cottage Church Street Welford-on-Avon Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8EJ for The CP Hitchman Trust

14/02820/FUL Proposed erection of summer house in rear garden at Rose Cottage Barracks Yard Binton Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 9TR for Miss Krista Vehanen

14/01560/FUL Demolition of farm outbuildings and erection of six mews dwellings and associated parking and private gardens. at Hercules Farm Henley Road Claverdon Warwick CV35 8LJ for John Stark

14/02477/LBC Remove part of our wall to create a gate entrance, to gain vehicular access into the garden and a parking area. at Coopers 1 Chapel Street Wellesbourne Warwick CV35 9QU for Jane Roberts

14/02828/FUL Part demolition of existing factory unit and construction of no.3 two storey dwellings with access from Prince Harry Road. at F Goldsmith & Co Ltd 221 High Street Henley-in-Arden B95 5BG  for John Clifford - F Goldsmith And Co Ltd

14/02839/LBC Conversion of existing hairdressers to a juice and smoothie bar. Works to a Grade II listed building to include the removal of an existing security grille, replacement of existing canopy, internal painting, repainting of existing signage and insertion of a new counter and sink. at 106A High Street Henley-in-Arden B95 5BY   for Mr John Neil Brown

14/02838/FUL Change of use from dwelling to community use (Stratford Link Project).  use to be carried out in office hours Monday to Friday. at 14 Waterside Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6BA   for Bromford Support - Mr John Wilde

14/02666/FUL Erection of detached one-and-a-half storey dwelling, creation of associated hard standing and vehicular access. at Grove House The Rookery Alveston Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 7QP for Mrs Patricia Lee

14/02777/ADV Application for advertisement consent for 3 No. Fascia signs and 2 No. projecting hanging signs to existing building. at Barclays Bank Plc Market Cross Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6AP  for Barclays Plc


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below

Application No. Details

14/02550/VARY Variation of condition 5 (The areas for temporary storage as shown shaded blue on the drawing submitted with the application shall cease to be used for storage purposes no later than 3 years from the date of this permission or at the time that the new storage yard hereby permitted is first used for storage purposes, whichever is the sooner.) of Planning Permission 11/01403/FUL to allow temporary storage purposes to cease no later than 5 years from the date of the original permission or at the time that the new storage yard hereby permitted is first used for storage purposes, whichever is the sooner. at  Moor Hall Farm Wixford Alcester B49 6DL  for RSB Brookhouse Engineering Ltd

14/02324/FUL Continued use of barn as three bedroom dwelling and creation of self contained two bed holiday accommodation. at  Parsons Barn Main Street Long Compton Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5LJ for Mr Richard Guy

14/02550/VARY Variation of condition 5 (The areas for temporary storage as shown shaded blue on the drawing submitted with the application shall cease to be used for storage purposes no later than 3 years from the date of this permission or at the time that the new storage yard hereby permitted is first used for storage purposes, whichever is the sooner.) of Planning Permission 11/01403/FUL to allow temporary storage purposes to cease no later than 5 years from the date of the original permission or at the time that the new storage yard hereby permitted is first used for storage purposes, whichever is the sooner.. Affecting public right of way at Moor Hall Farm Wixford Alcester B49 6DL  for RSB Brookhouse Engineering Ltd


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the application(s) scheduled below

The development does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated

Application No. Details

14/01560/FUL Demolition of farm outbuildings and erection of six mews dwellings and associated parking and private gardens. at Hercules Farm Henley Road Claverdon Warwick CV35 8LJ for John Stark

14/02861/VARY Removal of condition 4 (agricultural occupancy) of planning permission 89/01203/OUT (O.S. NO 0018 AT KENNEL HILL BUTLERS MARSTON - ERECTION OF ONE DWELLING FOR AGRICULTURAL OCCUPANCY) at Court Fields Bridge Road Butlers Marston Warwick CV35 0NB for Mr Marcus Faulkner (Sheldon Bosley)

14/02763/FUL Proposed erection of a single dwelling at Building Plot Top Street Northend for Mr Peter Hill

14/02817/FUL Construction of detached dwelling house with attached single garage at Daffodil Cottage Church Street Welford-on-Avon Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8EJ for The CP Hitchman Trust



Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below

Application No. Details

14/02913/TPO - T1: Beech: fell. at Dial House The Green Alveston Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 7QU for Mr Steve Booker

Comments or representations on any of the applications listed above should be forwarded to me at the address below within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice. Please note that all comments received will be a matter of public record and will be made available for public inspection and will also be published on the Council's website.

In the event of an appeal being lodged against a refusal of a householder application, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to comment at the appeal stage.

A copy of the above application(s), plan(s) and documents(s) may be viewed on our web site at Alternatively if you do not have access to the internet they may be viewed electronically during normal office hours at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon.

To save the inconvenience of travelling a copy of the submitted plan(s) have also been forwarded to your local Parish Council to whom you may refer.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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