Healthy Stratford funding

This article is 10 years old


Published on 28 November 2014
Archived on 28 December 2014

The annual Healthy Stratford funding is now available for community and voluntary groups in Stratford District interested in tackling health issues.

Public Health Warwickshire, Stratford-on-Avon District Council and South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group, are offering the community and voluntary sector an opportunity to bid for the one off funding.

The funding amounts to £30,000 in total and organisations can bid for projects up to £10,000.

The priorities the community and voluntary sector need to focus their bids on include:

  • Reducing unhealthy lifestyle behaviours including smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Promoting activities that reduce obesity and obesity related long term conditions.
  • Admission avoidance and supporting early discharge.
  • Intervention priorities within the Stratford on Avon District Council Social Inclusion Statement.

Cllr Bob Stevens, Warwickshire County Council's Portfolio Holder for Health, said: “We look forward to hearing about potential projects which could have a real impact on the health of the population."

Cllr Gillian Roache, Portfolio holder for Health at Stratford District Council said: “I am delighted that Stratford District Council is able to assist again this year. Last years innovative projects showed how for a small investment, life style changes can occur.  Any improvements in health particularly at an early age can reap benefits for the future."

Cllr Maggie O'Rourke, the county council's Chair of the Adults, Health and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee, said: “Last year the scheme funded projects ranging from food bank gardening skills and healthy eating projects through to leisure and activity initiatives. I look forward to seeing this year's proposals."

Organisations can apply for the funding through a streamlined application form on the CSW Jets system at

As part of the planning process a 'surgery' to allow interested organisations to explore their ideas with the commissioners will be run between 2pm and 4pm on the 15th December 2014 at the Voluntary Action Stratford-upon-Avon offices.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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