New Orchard on Bridgetown Meadowland, Stratford-upon-Avon

This article is 10 years old


Published on 12 December 2014
Archived on 12 January 2015

Last week, Stratford-on-Avon District Council created a new community orchard on the Bridgetown Meadowland south of Trinity Way, as a community resource for the future.

This area was created as part of the Trinity Mead housing development, which saw a native woodland created 10 years ago, that has developed into a rich habitat for wildlife.

Originally intended to be a natural site closer to the town centre, the District Council has planted 300 fruit trees over the last week, and will be creating wildflower meadows and meandering pathways in the spring to enhance this area as a peaceful destination for residents and visitors to enjoy.

Working with Warwickshire County Council's Forestry team and our grounds contractors, The Landscape Group, the new community orchard will be open to volunteers and the public alike, providing a valuable green space close to the town centre which will encourage local people to come together and get involved with trees.

Cllr Mike Brain, Technical Services Portfolio Holder says of the new project:  “When we plant orchards we can teach children where food comes from, and the importance of nature. Hopefully this site will become a real hub for our residents, and support our residents in leading a healthy and active lifestyle on their doorsteps, and help ensure that everyone has their five a day."


Background information

  • Funding for this project is from a Section 106 Commuted Sum from the Planning Process when Trinity Mead was built. These funds are ring-fenced for use on this site and cannot be used elsewhere in the District.

  • The area was created as a planning condition of the Trinity Mead development, and has developed as young woodland and rank grassland since then.

  • The Trees being planted consist of a range of fruits typically found in UK Orchards. Specifically 21 varieties of Apple, 4 varieties of Cherry, 3 varieties of Damson, 6 varieties of Pear, 7 varieties of Plum, 3 varieties of Quince, and 1 variety of Medlar will make up the Orchard to start with, but we hope to expand it over time and will be actively seeking community involvement once it has been set up. 

  • The Wildflower planting will also benefit our bee populations, and other insects that support the pollination of our crops, so will provide a practical benefit as well as an aesthetic one.

  • The Orchard is intended to provide opportunities for everyone to easily access local wildlife, and learn new skills through community lead activities that we will look to encourage on this site in coming years – these could include horticultural skills from pruning and maintenance of the fruit trees, and more individual skills such as the making of jam, cider and fruit juice once the fruit is picked.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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