Planning Notices I - 23 December

This article is 10 years old


Published on 23 December 2014
Archived on 17 January 2015



Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below

Application No. (Conservation Area) Details

14/03178/LBC Proposed internal partition and door at Manor Cottage Upper Quinton Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8SX  for Mr David Peregrine

14/03203/LBC Internal and external alterations to dwelling to include:

Insertion of a roof light;

Insertion of one external door;

Replacement of garage doors with a window;

Creation of a porch on the rear door; Replacement of five ground floor windows with double glazed

Extension of a cupboard within a first floor to create a study

Subdivision of a first floor cupboard to create an en-suite and a cupboard

Relocation of a partition wall between a bathroom and shower room

Relocation of a ground floor WC and enlargement of the utility (probably previously authorised) at Manor Barn  3 Upper Quinton Stratford-Upon-Avon CV37 8SX  for Mr & Mrs M Ashton

14/03441/FUL 2 storey side extension, single storey rear extension and new front porch at Orchard House  Kissing Tree Lane Alveston Warwickshire CV37 7RA for Mr R McCormick

14/03308/FUL Erection of traditional timber clad small stables building and associated traditional timber post and rail fencing (private use) at Bridge House Roman Way Halford Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5BZ for Mr Michael Hopkins

14/03437/OUT Proposed relocation of Farm at Mansell Farm Armscote Road Newbold-on-Stour Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8BZ for Mr R Spencer

14/03434/FUL Demolition of timber framed outhouse; relocation of toilet to connect to existing drainage; demolition and part replacement of flooring at ground floor level; like for like roof replacement; and relocation of 3no. AC units. at 12 - 13 High Street Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6AU   for Tesco Stores Ltd

14/03435/LBC Demolition of timber framed outhouse; relocation of toilet to connect to existing drainage; demolition and part replacement of flooring at ground floor level; like for like roof replacement; and relocation of 3no. AC units. at 12 - 13 High Street Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6AU   for Tesco Stores Ltd

14/03410/VARY  Removal of Condition 15 (provision of water butts) of planning permission 11/02330/FUL (Erection of 5 no. dwellings and provision of vehicular access together with all associated works) due to installation of rain water harvesting system at Wheelwright Gardens Long Compton Warwickshire CV36 5LE  for Mr R Shacklock


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below

Application No. Details

14/03040/OUT Erection of up to 25 dwellings, associated garages, pubic open space, alteration to flood relief channel, vehicular access off Orchard Close and pedestrian/cycle access off School Lane. at  Land Off Orchard Close Lower Brailes for Mr Howard Taylor


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the application(s) scheduled below

The development does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated

Application No. Details

14/03236/OUT Outline application for the erection of 5no. dwellings (matters of appearance and landscaping reserved) at Land At Edmonds Close Upper Quinton  for Orion Developments Midlands Ltd

14/03040/OUT Erection of up to 25 dwellings, associated garages, pubic open space, alteration to flood relief channel, vehicular access off Orchard Close and pedestrian/cycle access off School Lane. at Land Off Orchard Close Lower Brailes for Mr Howard Taylor

14/03181/OUT Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except access from Armscote Road) for the erection of up to 60 dwellings with associated car parking, provision of green space and associated site-wide landscaping, drainage, infrastructure and associated development, to include demolition of existing agricultural buildings and removal of slurry pit. at Mansell Farm  Armscote Road Newbold On Stour Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8BZ for Spencer Family And Richborough Estates Ltd

Comments or representations on any of the applications listed above should be forwarded to me at the address below within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice. Please note that all comments received will be a matter of public record and will be made available for public inspection and will also be published on the Council's website.

In the event of an appeal being lodged against a refusal of a householder application, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to comment at the appeal stage.

A copy of the above application(s), plan(s) and documents(s) may be viewed on our web site at Alternatively if you do not have access to the internet they may be viewed electronically during normal office hours at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon.

To save the inconvenience of travelling a copy of the submitted plan(s) have also been forwarded to your local Parish Council to whom you may refer.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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