No coins for parking? Just use RingGo!

This article is 10 years old


Published on 19 May 2015
Archived on 19 June 2015

Motorists parking in Stratford-on-Avon District Council operated Pay & Display car parks in Stratford-upon-Avon no longer have to hunt for change as RingGo cashless parking is now offered as an alternative to pay and display parking with coins. 

NB This does not currently include the Bridgeway Multi-storey and Bridgeway Surface Pay on Foot car parks.

RingGo is a quick, easy to use mobile phone service, enabling you to pay for your parking by credit or debit card, rather than with cash at a pay machine. 

With phone parking: you don't have to save up change; you don't have to trek to and from the machine; and you don't need to put a ticket on your dashboard - Civil Enforcement Officers check which vehicles have paid using an internet connected handheld device.

Cllr Mike Brain, Technical Services Portfolio says: “Cashless parking is a very important benefit in the age of the mobile and smartphone.  I hope residents and visitors will enjoy the huge relief of not having to fumble around for change.  There is nothing more frustrating than parking your car only to find that you do not have the correct change for the machine.  This new system will offer a simple alternative for motorists to pay by card from their mobile phone."

If you have an iPhone, an Android, Blackberry 10, Windows or Firefox mobile phone, you can download and use the RingGo app to register and pay for your parking, or you can call the standard rate telephone number 020 3046 0060 (shown on signs), at the time you want to park.  If you want to save time, you can pre-register in advance either through the apps or at  Please note there is a 15p convenience charge on top of the normal parking tariff charges which applies when using this method of payment.

If it's your first time using the service, you'll be asked for information about your vehicle, the five digit car park location code (shown on the pay machines) and details of your payment card.  When you use the service again, RingGo recognises your mobile phone and retrieves the information given, reducing time considerably.  

You can pay with RingGo via the app, by calling, using a text message or paying on-line.  Details of each are given on the RingGo website.

As well as being convenient, paying with RingGo allows you to extend your parking session without having to return to your vehicle and reduces the risk of receiving a penalty charge notice.  If you're running late or simply need longer, there's no need to worry - just top up your parking wherever you are by using the service again. 

The optional RingGo text reminders also help.  These notify you 10 minutes before your parking time is due to run out, leaving you time to either extend your stay or return to your car (10p per reminder).

For more information on how the service operates, watch the short animation at

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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