Members' Allowances Report

This article is 9 years old


Published on 6 March 2015
Archived on 6 April 2015

A report by the statutory Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP) has recommended to increase Councillors' allowances after the elections in May 2015. The Council is required to seek a view from its IRP before it sets a new scheme of allowances to reflect the reduction in the number of Councillors from May 2015.

Despite the recommendation for an increase in individual allowances there will be an overall saving of £59,594 a year due to the boundary review and the reduction of Stratford District Councillors from 53 to 36 after the May elections.

Dr Declan Hall, Chairman of the Independent Remuneration Panel says: “The Panel recognises that senior Members spend a substantial part of their time on council activities, with the remainder spending a noticeable part of their time on council business.  It was also important for the Panel to recognise that elected members are in different financial circumstances and for those who can afford to forgo allowances the opportunity is there.

Members allowances have been frozen for the past 5 years and the Panel was keen for the allowances to be brought in line with other similar and neighbouring local authorities."

The report will now go to the Cabinet meeting on Monday 16 March, Audit Committee on 23 March and the Council meeting on 27 April for consideration, with the final approval with the new Council on 20 May.

If agreed Stratford-on-Avon District Councillors will receive an increase in allowance following the Elections in May this year.

The Panel's recommendations will be revisited in 12 months time to assess whether further adjustments are needed following the reduction of Council membership.

From 20 May 2015 the allowances will be as follows:

  • Basic Allowance                           £4,878
  • Leader                                       £10,500
  • Deputy Leader                             £5,250
  • Portfolio Holder                            £5,250
  • Chairman of Overview & Scrutiny    £5,250
  • Chairs of Planning Committees       £3,150
  • Chairman Audit & Standards           £2,625
  • Chairman of Regulatory                £2,625
  • Chairs of Licensing Panels              £1,313
  • Chairman of Council                     £1,313
  • Leader majority opposition Group    £2,625
  • Leader minority opposition Group    £1,313

The basic allowance is calculated as follows using the average daily pay (gross) for all full time employees residing in the district which is £107.22 a day based on 91 days a year with 45.5 days given as 'public service' and 45.5 days remunerated,

91 days annual expected average input – 45.5 days per year for the Public Service Discount = 45.5 remunerated days a year X £107.22 a day = £4,878.

The average Basic Allowance for Members with other similar local authorities is £5,028.

The Panel consisted of:

  • Dr Declan Hall (Chairman) – a former lecturer at the Institute of Local Government, University of Birmingham; currently an independent consultant specialising in members' allowances and support.
  • Nigel Boswell – A retired quantity surveyor with significant experience as a Magistrate within the County.
  • Elizabeth Dean – A qualified accountant who had extensive experience of public sector organisations.
  • Jeremy Gould – A specialist public sector consultant and non-executive director of an NHS Trust.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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