Core Strategy Proposed Modifications: Public Representations

This article is 10 years old


Published on 11 August 2015
Archived on 11 September 2015

The changes being proposed to Stratford-on-Avon District Council's emerging Core Strategy will be open to public comment over the next six weeks.  The changes concern the overall number of homes being planned for and proposed additional sites to accommodate those homes.

The District Council has published a Core Strategy Proposed Modifications document setting out these further suggested changes.  They are made in response to the independent Inspector's Interim Conclusions as published following the initial public examination hearings held in January 2015.

Over the next six weeks local residents, businesses and other interested parties will have the opportunity to make comments on these proposed modifications to help further shape the Core Strategy document that, once adopted, will manage development across Stratford-on-Avon District over the period to 2031. 

In June the District Council adopted, on an interim basis, a number of Core Strategy policies to help inform decisions about planning applications.  These policies are those that have been largely resolved as a result of the initial hearings and are not subject to significant outstanding representations or unresolved concerns.  No further representations are invited on these policies.

On 20 July the District Council endorsed further proposed modifications to the Core Strategy.  These involve an increased housing requirement figure alongside the identification of strategic sites to accommodate the new homes.

  • The newly proposed housing requirement for the District for the period 2011-2031 is 14,480 (724 per annum)
  • In addition the Council proposes to provide 'headroom' in the supply figure in the region of an extra 5-7%

The following strategic sites are proposed to be adopted:

  • 2,300 homes within the plan period from a total of approximately 3,000 homes at Gaydon/Lighthorne Heath New Settlement
  • 650 homes at the Canal Quarter, Stratford-upon-Avon
  • 2,100 homes within the plan period from a total of approximately 3,500 homes at Long Marston Airfield New Settlement
  • 450 homes north of Bishopton Lane, Stratford-upon-Avon
  • 65 homes south of Alcester Road, Stratford upon Avon
  • 500 homes south of Daventry Road, Southam

The consultation will run from Thursday 13 August to Friday 25 September 2015

Cllr Chris Saint, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council says: “It is important that people take the opportunity to comment on these modified proposals so that public opinion about our changes concerning the scale and location of development in the District up to 2031 can be considered by the Examination Inspector. 

“We have followed the guidance in the Planning Inspector's Interim Report and have made a number of modifications to the plan.  These must now be consulted on as part of the process.  While people may be tempted to comment on issues that are largely resolved, this consultation is about the new changes, the rise in housing to be completed and the potential locations for development between now and 2031.

“The representations received will be presented to Full Council on 19 October and forwarded with any further policy modifications for consideration by the Examination Inspector."

Further information on where you can see the documents and guidance notes on how to make representations can be found at or by calling Planning Policy on 01789 260334.

How to make representations

Representations should be submitted on the prescribed form so that it is clear to all parties, in particular the Inspector, what case you are making and, where applicable, how you wish the Plan to be modified.

Do it online
Use our interactive document which allows you to click and comment online or go straight to the online representation form

Do it by email
By downloading a form and emailing it to

Do it by post
Alternatively, forms can be posted to: FREEPOST RSLH – ZYKJ – TYAZ, Stratford on Avon DC, PO BOX 5341, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 1LE

Do it in person
Print out a comment form and hand it in at the District Council offices Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6HX

Copies of the form can be provided on request.

Further information on where you can see the documents and guidance notes on how to make representations can be found at or by calling Planning Policy on 01789 260334.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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