Refuse & recycling collections for Christmas and New Year

This article is 10 years old


Published on 14 December 2015
Archived on 14 January 2016

Changes to refuse and recycling collections over the Christmas and New Year will only affect some households in the District this festive season.

Only properties due for a collection on a Bank Holiday will have a day change.

Previously it has taken three weeks for collections to return to normal and every household has been affected, but following the District Council and Biffa's innovative approach to collections last year, only two collection days will be affected this year.

Cllr Mike Brain, Technical Services Portfolio says: “The festive season is the only time refuse and recycling collections are affected in Stratford District.  By only changing the collections that fall on Bank Holidays, this ensures that residents have the least amount of disruption possible."

There will be no collections of rubbish, recyclables or green waste on Friday 25 or Friday 1 January 2016. 

Revised arrangements are shown in the table below. 


Normal Collection Day for rubbish, recyclables or green waste

Revised Collection Day


Friday 25 December

Monday 28 December

Friday 1 January

Saturday 2 January


On all other dates collections will take place as normal.

Week commencing Monday 4 January 2016 collections will return to normal.

Extra waste If you have additional recycling, you can place in it a box or rigid container next to your blue-lidded wheeled bin for collection.

Please note: No additional general waste (refuse) placed by or on your grey refuse bin will be collected.

In the event of adverse weather affecting collections please check the District Council's website at or Twitter on @StratfordDC for all the latest updates.

The revised collection information is available in the Council Tax booklet distributed in March this year, the Stratford View magazine distributed in November and is available on the District Council's website.



Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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