Planning Notices I - 11 January 2016

This article is 9 years old


Published on 11 January 2016
Archived on 4 February 2016



Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on -District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below

Application No. (Conservation Area) Details

15/03204/LBC Change carpet in restaurant and entrance and replace with sandstone flags. Plus associated repair to screed and skirtings at White Lion Inn Stratford Road Tredington Shipston-on-Stour CV36 4NS for Mr Mark Sandford

15/04231/LBC Remove dilapidated and leaking existing materials on south-west roof and replace with appropriate materials and associated insulation and weatherproofing at Wood Lane House Wood Lane Cherington Warwickshire CV36 5HY for Mr David Fitt

15/03281/VARY Variation to condition 16 (approved plans) of planning application 12/01957/FUL for the 'Demolition of existing surgery building and erection of 4 x residential town houses and associated works' to amend the fenestration on all elevations, increase the depth of the second floor, extend the window surround on the north elevation, amend the gable projection on the second floor, alter the materials and amend the pitch and height of the roof at Old Town Villas Chestnut Walk Stratford-upon-Avon for Miss Emma Evans (Spitfire Properties LLP)

15/04287/LBC  Replacement of transluscent plastic roof over garden sitting room and utility room. Re-siting of satellite dish off listed building. Removal of turks head cowl on chimney at Manor Cottage Snitterfield Road Bearley Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 0SJ for Mr T Pearson

15/04436/LBC Replacement signage and lighting at The Halford Fosse Way Halford Warwickshire CV36 5BN for Mrs Linda Cresswell

15/04313/LBC Internal refurbishment to accommodate registration services at Stratford upon Avon Library 12 Henley Street Stratford-upon-Avon Warwickshire CV37 6PZ for Mr Mark Herbert

15/04339/LBC Alteration to 'The Coach House' to provide ground floor accommodation and loft bedroom above. Alterations to single storey outbuilding to provide garage at The Coach House Snitterfield Road Bearley Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 0SJ for Mrs Heather Griffiths

15/04333/FUL Alteration to 'The Coach House' to provide ground floor accommodation and loft bedroom above. Alterations to single storey outbuilding to provide garage at The Coach House Snitterfield Road Bearley Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 0SJ for Mrs Heather Griffiths


Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Stratford-on-Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the application(s) scheduled below

The development does not accord with the provisions of the development plan in force in the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated

Application No. Details

15/04445/REM Reserved matters application for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for application (13/03160/OUT) for the erection of 7 houses and associated garages. at Land Adjacent to Attens Byre Upper Brailes for Feldon Housing Association Ltd, Spitfire Properties LLP

Comments or representations on any of the applications listed above should be forwarded to me at the address below within 21 days of the date of publication of this notice. Please note that all comments received will be a matter of public record and will be made available for public inspection and will also be published on the Council's website.

In the event of an appeal being lodged against a refusal of a householder application, any representations made about the application will be sent to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to comment at the appeal stage.

A copy of the above application(s), plan(s) and documents(s) may be viewed on our web site at Alternatively if you do not have access to the internet they may be viewed electronically during normal office hours at Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon.

To save the inconvenience of travelling a copy of the submitted plan(s) have also been forwarded to your local Parish Council to whom you may refer.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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