Stratford District Council joins West Midlands Combined Authority

This article is 9 years old


Published on 25 January 2016
Archived on 25 February 2016

Stratford-on-Avon District Council has today, Monday 25 January reversed a previous decision in October last year and has now voted to become a non-constituent member of the West Midlands Combined Authority at the Full Council meeting.

A Notice of Motion was brought to the Council by Councillor Maurice Howse and seconded by Councillor Tony Jefferson for the Council to approach the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) to become a non-constituent member.

Cllr Chris Saint, Leader of Stratford-on-Avon District Council says: “I am pleased that the District Council has taken the decision to be part of the West Midlands Combined Authority and aim to maximising the benefits for our District.

“The decision taken today means that the District Council will be able to play an active part in the devolution process currently under development. This does not represent a 'super council' as each member of the Combined Authority retains its independence and will continue to provide services like planning and refuse and recycling.  It just means that there will be better collaboration between councils on strategic issues such as investment, skills, housing and economic development.

“We have always been a big believer in partnership working and where you cannot do things on your own, joining a partnership gives you greater resilience, greater freedom and greater spending powers allowing us to make sure our District benefits as much as possible."

Councillor Bob Sleigh, Chair of the West Midlands Combined Authority shadow board said: “We warmly welcome Stratford's decision. It strengthens our emerging Combined Authority further.

“We recognise Stratford's decision comes at a time when consultation on the first phase partnership has already started, so it won't become a member until later in the year.  However they will be welcomed around the shadow board table until such time as formal membership can be progressed."


  • Council voted 22 for with 11 against.


Combined Authority background information:

  • A Combined Authority is a grouping of local authorities and other relevant organisations that are created through a legal process - Sections 110 -113 of Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009.
  • The purpose is to promote economic growth on a sub-regional basis and address issues including transport, skills and economic prosperity.
  • The West Midlands Combined Authority proposal is designed on the three geographies of the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership, the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership and the Coventry and Warwickshire Local EnterprisePartnership (LEP) areas.
  • Districts can only be full members if the relevant shire county council are full members.
  • Legal aspects being reviewed in the Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill, currently passing through Parliament.
  • A Combined Authority is a joint governance arrangement for effective delivery and collaboration of economic development & regeneration, skills and transport.
  • A Combined Authority is the Government's vehicle of choice through which greater devolution powers are secured and public sector reform is drive.
  • Councils in a combined authority continue to exist in their own right, retain existing powers.
  • Combined Authority's role now is to ensure better collaboration and co-ordinated decision-making on devolved powers, economic development, transport, infrastructure and skills, powers devolved from Government.
  • A Combined Authority is not a “Super Council" nor does it replace existing Councils.





Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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