Studley with Sambourne District ward by-election

This article is 9 years old


Published on 1 February 2016
Archived on 1 March 2016

The nominations for the Studley with Sambourne District ward by-election are as follows:


Paul Anthony Beaman         -        The Conservative Party Candidate

Nick Moon                         -        Independent

Nigel Thomas Rogers          -        UKIP

Karen Somner-Brown          -        Labour Party

Hazel Dawn Wright             -        Liberal Democrat


The Studley with Sambourne District by-election will take place on Thursday 25 February with polling stations at The Church Hall, Sambourne, B96 6NU and The Village Hall, High Street, Studley, B80 7HJ open from 7am to 10pm.

Counting will take place after close of polls at The Village Hall, High Street, Studley, B80 7HJ

The result will be posted on the District Council website and posted on Twitter @SDCElects.


By-election due to the resignation of Nick Moon.


Present standings:   

1 vacancy (Studley with Sambourne by-election)

Conservatives - 30 seats

Liberal Democrats – 3 seats

Labour – 1 seat

Independent – 1 seat

36 seats in total

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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