Studley with Sambourne District ward by-election result

This article is 9 years old


Published on 25 February 2016
Archived on 25 March 2016

Five candidates contested the Studley with Sambourne District ward by-election on 25 February 2016.


The result is:

Paul Anthony Beaman (Conservative)             233 votes
Nick Moon (Independent)                              66 votes
Nigel Thomas Rogers   (UKIP)                       55 votes                

Karen Somner-Brown (Labour)                       156 votes
Hazel Dawn Wright (Liberal Democrat)        632 votes Elected



The electorate for the Studley with Sambourne District ward is 2888.

Turnout for this election was 39.5%. 

By-election due to the resignation of Nick Moon.


Following the by election the Council make-up is:

Conservatives - 30 seats

Liberal Democrats – 4 seats

Labour – 1 seat

Independent – 1 seat

36 seats in total



Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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