Very last chance to Pass Go!

This article is 9 years old


Published on 26 February 2016
Archived on 26 March 2016

Reaching for their MONOPOLY dice.

Stratford-upon-Avon and Shrewsbury are locked neck and neck in a West Midland race to 'Pass GO'. So tight is the race that MONOPOLY chiefs are dusting down their famous MONOPOLY dice.

“It's possible we may literally have to roll the dice at a place equidistant between the two like Kidderminster," says a spokesperson for the makers of the proposed new board Winning Moves UK.

“That's how close the vote is. These two are well clear of the other three in the race."

Winning Moves UK are making the game under license from Hasbro.

Some votes have come in from different parts of the world for Stratford-upon-Avon including from Canada and Australia.

“It's the most famous town in the world - we have been told by one person from the town," adds the spokesperson. “We've had votes from as far as the US and a few from Europe."

Polls close on Monday 29th February 2016.

Adds the Winning Moves UK spokesperson: "The board will hit shop shelves this October and showcase 22 prized property landmarks from the winning location. Other features will see the four train stations from the London original being handed over to a 'travel' theme and many of the Chance and Community Chest playing cards customised."

The makers have already said that should Stratford-upon-Avon or Warwick win in the 400th year of the world's most celebrated Bard then it won't so much be a MONOPOLY board as a MONOPOLY Bard!

William Shakespeare died 400 years ago on April 23rd.

The 'Fab Five' locations shortlisted by MONOPOLY chiefs last month are:

  • Gloucester
  • Royal Leamington Spa
  • Shrewsbury
  • Stratford-upon-Avon
  • Warwick

Adds the spokesperson: "We originally began with a very large shortlist of 25 locations in the western half of the Midlands from Gloucester in the south to Telford in the north and west to near the Welsh border.

“We are delighted with these final 'Fab Five'. A board based on any of the five would be a great tribute to that city or town. We are sure we'd be spoilt for choices on landmarks to fill that board. Voting closes this Monday. An announcement of the winner will be made next month."

Votes to: or by traditional postal 'snail mail' to WEST MIDLANDS MONOPOLY, Winning Moves UK, 7 Praed Street, London W2 1NP.  Polls close at midnight on 29th February.


Issued by 6 Star PR Ltd on behalf of Winning Moves Ltd.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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