Planning Committee (East) – 27 April - Results

This article is 9 years old


Published on 29 April 2016
Archived on 29 May 2016


Ward                                             Application Details


Southam South  Application No. 15/04473/OUT - Land Between, Daventry Road, And Welsh Road East, Southam


Outline planning application with means of site access from Daventry Road and Welsh Road East (internal access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved for subsequent approval) for erection of up to 535 dwelling houses (Use Class C3), a shop with up to 500 Sqm gross floorspace (up to 280 Sq net retail floorspace) (Use Class A1), a community hall/sports pavilion (Use Class D1), green infrastructure and sustainable urban drainage features, and creation of two children's play areas, and 1.61 Ha of outdoor sports pitches (Use Class D2), including demolition of existing agricultural building and all othe necessary ancillary and enabling works.


Recommendation: Grant

Decision: Granted


Shipston South  Application No. 15/01478/FUL - Land Off, Shoulderway Lane, Shipston-on-Stour,


Proposed residential development of 106 dwellings(including 37 affordable dwellings- 35% affordable housing provision) to include associated works for landscaping, public open space provision including a Local Area of Play, attenuation features an additional infrastructure including vehicular and pedestrian accesses


Recommendation: Grant

Decision: Refused



Red Horse  Application No. 15/04415/VARY - Oaklands Stables, Shipston Road, Upper Tysoe, Warwick CV35 0TR


Variation of the wording of condition No 3 attached to planning approval reference 01/03142/FUL to enable the occupation of the existing dwelling by a person or persons directly associated with the functional operation of the equestrian business, instead of a person or persons solely or mainly working, or last working, in the locality in equestrian activities, agricultural or forestry.


Recommendation:  Refuse

Decision: Deferred to allow the applicant to provide information to support the view that the applicant's wife is mainly employed in the equestrian business and therefore classed as a rural worker within the scope of Condition 3.  Where officers are satisfied that the new information shows that the applicant's wife is mainly employed in the equestrian business and therefore classed as a rural worker, the Parish Council and Ward Member are to be re-consulted and responses treated in accordance with normal planning practice.  If a committee decision is not required, officers (with the Chair's agreement) are authorised to grant permission to amend the wording of the condition by the addition of the words 'and spouse' to the end.


Brailes And Compton

Application No. 16/00286/FUL - Old Farmhouse , Main Road, Upper Brailes, Warwickshire OX15 5AX

Creation of new access

Recommendation: Grant

Decision: Granted


Brailes And Compton

Application No. 16/00749/LBC - Old Farmhouse , Main Road, Upper Brailes, Warwickshire OX15 5AX

Part removal of front wall to form a new access


Decision: Granted


Shipston South  Application No. 16/00357/FUL - The Old Post Office, Stretton-on Fosse, Moreton-in-Marsh, GL56 9SA

Proposed two storey rear extension

Recommendation: Refuse

Decision: Refused

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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