Cash boost for Priory Square in Studley

This article is 9 years old


Published on 5 July 2016
Archived on 5 August 2016

Stratford-on-Avon District Council has received a welcome boost of £200,000 from Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP) from the Growth Deal / Growing Places Fund.

In April Stratford-on-Avon District Council submitted an application to CWLEP as part of their Local Authority Infrastructure Project, to contribute towards supporting the redevelopment of the Priory Square site in Studley.

In addition to the £90,000 financial support provided by the District Council, this additional funding will support the land purchase, highways re-enforcement and site development costs and 'unlock the site' for future development and regeneration.

Cllr Dave Riches, Enterprise and Revenues Portfolio says: “This is exciting news for Studley and all the locals who have campaigned for this.  The site has been an eyesore for many years but this funding will provide a significant opportunity to clear up the site, improve infrastructure and help support jobs and growth in the area."

Background information 

Priory Square in Studley is owned and part-occupied by the Co-operative Society.  Land to the south of the site is occupied by the Co-operative store and parking.  Land to the north is a cleared, brownfield site (now boarded) apart from a listed building to the north-east of the site.

The site has been subject to a Council 215 notice requiring site clearance and boarding in 2017.

Priory Square lies at the heart of Studley village and is a key site requiring urgent redevelopment after many years of neglect.

The Growing Places Growth Fund provides an opportunity to secure funding for smaller infrastructure projects.

Contact details

Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575

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