Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission for development which affects the character or appearance of a Conservation Area or development which affects the setting of a Listed Building and/or Listed Building Consent/Conservation Area Consent in respect of the applications scheduled below:
Application No. (Conservation Area) Details
- 24/02838/FUL Removal of external signage and an external ATM at Lloyds Bank TSB Plc Stratford Road Alcester B49 5AX for Lloyds Banking Group.
- 24/02266/FUL To change the use of outbuildings that are in close proximity to the house into a ground floor annex. To join the annex to the main house with a small link building. The whole works to have a flat rubber roof with 3 no skylights at Corner Cottage Holly Bush Lane Priors Marston Southam CV47 7RW for Mrs Megan Jeremiah.
- 24/02859/LBC The proposed works include a single storey extension, replacement of the garage with a car port, and various internal and external repairs and modifications at Cobwebs Willington Shipston- on-Stour CV36 5AS for Mr James Morrad.
- 24/02818/FUL Demolition of existing building (last used as a language school) and replacement with new building to provide 5 no apartments; Erection of garage building, cycle storage, solar roof panels, hard landscaping, storm water attenuation basin at 8 Tiddington Road Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 7AE for JFSW Three Limited.
- 24/02777/REM Reserved matter application for landscaping in relation to outline permission 16/02147/OUT (Outline application for the erection of 130 bed hotel; retrospective car parking, vehicular access from A425 and cycleway to Southam on A425) date of decision 01.04.2022 at Dallas Burston Polo Grounds Stoneythorpe Southam CV47 2DL for Dr Dallas Burston.
- 24/02820/LBC Change of use of agricultural building to bicycle store and associated external alterations at Claverdon Hall Farm Lye Green Claverdon Warwick CV35 8HJ for Peachstone (Claverdon) Ltd.
- 24/02912/FUL Single storey side extension at 18 Heather Close Southam CV47 1ER for Mrs Heather Shackleton.
- 24/02819/FUL Change of use of agricultural building to bicycle store and associated external alterations at Claverdon Hall Farm Lye Green Claverdon Warwick CV35 8HJ for Peachstone (Claverdon) Ltd.
- 24/02834/VARY Variation of condition no.2 of planning permission reference 24/00996/VARY dated 14 August 2024 to allow for the alteration of plaster/render material to be used. Planning permission 24/00996/VARY is an approved variation of 23/00175/FUL. Original description of development: Works involve the removal of temporary propping as required by condition of a previous application, the wider repair of timber frame and repair/ replacement of infill panels at Halls Croft Old Town Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6BG for Mr Mark Ratcliffe.
- 24/02947/VLBC Variation of condition no.2 of listed building reference 24/00983/VLBC dated 14 August 2024 to allow for the alteration of plaster/render material to be used. Listed Building consent 24/00983/VLBC is an approved variation of 23/00176/LBC. Original description of works: Works involve the removal of temporary propping as required by condition of a previous application, the wider repair of timber frame and repair / replacement of infill panels at Halls Croft Old Town Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6BG for Mr Mark Ratcliffe.
- 24/02919/FUL Demolition of existing modern conservatory. Proposed single storey rear extension, new roof to existing side projection, installation of 2No. air source heat pumps and internal alterations to the existing building, over the extant permission [24/00148/FUL and 24/0149/LBC] at Masons House 6 Aston Cantlow Road Wilmcote Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 9XX for Mr Michael and Mrs Alison Vining.
- 24/02920/LBC Demolition of existing modern conservatory. Proposed single storey rear extension, new roof to existing side projection, installation of 2No. air source heat pumps and internal alterations to the existing building, over the extant permission [24/00148/FUL and 24/0149/LBC] at Masons House 6 Aston Cantlow Road Wilmcote Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 9XX for Mr Michael and Mrs Alison Vining.
- 24/02684/LBC Construction of single storey extensions to rear and side of house. Creation of 2 new windows. Re-render to side elevation. Internal alterations. Associated landscaping and change to driveway at Warren Farmhouse Sambourne Lane Sambourne Redditch B96 6PL for Mr Gerard Lyons.
- 24/02338/FUL Proposed 2 bay oak framed car port at Archway Cottage Crockwell Street Long Compton Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5JN for Chris Lawrence.
- 24/02858/FUL The proposed works include a single storey extension, replacement garage with a car port, various internal and external repairs and modifications at Cobwebs Willington Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5AS for Mr James Morrad.
Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the Stratford on Avon District Council for Planning Permission in respect of the applications scheduled below.
Application No. Details
- 24/02782/VARY Removal of condition 19 of planning permission APP/J3720/W/22/3292579 (20/02839/FUL ) to enable the permanent retention of the northern bell mouth access at Land Between Bishops Itchington and Gaydon Knightcote for Mrs Jane Papenfus.
- 24/02783/VARY Variation of condition 2 pursuant to planning permission 23/00701/FUL Erection of 24 holiday lodges and landscape, date of decision: 20/12/2023 to revise the design and position of 4 of the lodges to create 4 smaller 2 bed holiday lodges. Condition Number(s): 2 Conditions(s) Removal: Amendments to the approved plans, see covering letter at Bidford Grange Golf Club Stratford Road Bidford-on-Avon Alcester B50 4LX for Mr J Broadhurst.
- 24/02777/REM Reserved matter application for landscaping in relation to outline permission 16/02147/OUT (Outline application for the erection of 130 bed hotel; retrospective car parking, vehicular access from A425 and cycleway to Southam on A425) date of decision 01.04.2022 at Dallas Burston Polo Grounds Stoneythorpe Southam CV47 2DL for Dr Dallas Burston.
- 24/02782/VARY Removal of condition 19 of planning permission APP/J3720/W/22/3292579 (20/02839/FUL ) to enable the permanent retention of the northern bell mouth access. Affecting public right of way at Land Between Bishops Itchington and Gaydon Knightcote for Mrs Jane Papenfus.
Contact details
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Elizabeth House, Church Street,
Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire,
CV37 6HX
Tel: 01789 267575
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