What is Consultation?

Consultation is a process of dialogue leading to a decision. Consultation involves:

  • passing information and receiving comments
  • seeking opinions on options before decisions are reached
  • seeking to increase the involvement of local people, communities, businesses, voluntary sector etc. in important decisions that impact on them
  • listening to and learning from local people and communities

We involve the following in our consultation exercises:

  • service users and customers
  • Council Tax payers
  • businesses
  • older people
  • younger people
  • ethnic minorities
  • people with disabilities
  • people on low incomes

Objectives of Consultation

Stratford-on-Avon District Council carries out consultation to ensure that the decisions made are the right ones for the community. Putting local people at the heart of the decision-making process is key, with elected members and the council taking the views of consultees very seriously.

Our objectives for consultation are:

  • Helping the council to plan services better to give the service that the public wants.
  • Enabling the council to prioritise services and make better use of resources.
  • Alerting the council to problems more quickly so that it can put things right.
  • Using different techniques to make consultation as effective as possible.
  • Encouraging local people to participate in consultation to help influence the delivery of services.
  • Taking account of the public's views in the decisions we make.
  • Improving existing ways of involving communities, especially hard to reach groups.

Please view our Community Engagement Plan .

Privacy Notice

Periodically we may conduct online surveys or questionnaires and ask residents for contact information (like email address) and demographic information (like postcode or age). The customer's contact information will only be used in relation to that survey/questionnaire e.g. to build a demographic, provide feedback or to get in touch with the customer if necessary.

Further Information

For further information please contact the Performance, Consultation & Insight Manager on 01789 260118 or by email at consultation@stratford-dc.gov.uk.

Contact: The Performance, Consultation & Insight team

Last updated on 24/06/2024