The consultation on the South Warwickshire Local Plan is continuing until 7 March 2025. It is essential that as many residents and local community organisations take part as possible and respond to the consultation.
Although governed by Government legislation and housing numbers, Local Plans must also set out a vision and framework for future development of an area that considers local circumstances and local views. These consultations are where members of the public can give their views on issues important to them in their area.
They can do this by telling the local council what they consider the local vision is and what needs exist. They have the chance to say which sites should be developed, which should be rejected, and which should be protected along with the reasoning for their choices. Local knowledge can be essential.
It is important to recognise that the options include three times as much development as will be needed to ensure that all options are tested and to ensure that we have robust reasons for excluding any development options at the final Examination.
Council officers have to go through all the proposals of land that are put forward. They carry out an extensive gathering and review of data, evidence and information on key issues such as housing, (including affordable housing), employment, retail, leisure, environment and landscape. After each round of consultation, responses are considered and changes made.
Once all views are considered, the Local Plan will be sent to the Government for ‘Examination’ by an independent Inspector from the Planning Inspectorate. The Inspector considers all the evidence and representations made from everyone at each stage of the Local Plan consultation process. The Inspector also considers whether the Plan has been prepared in accordance with all the proper legal and procedural requirements and that it is ‘sound’. The Inspector can only recommend adoption if he/she considers that the document satisfies all the legal requirements.
Once in place, a Local Plan becomes the starting point for determining local planning applications for many years to come. It will govern the development and use of land in the district over a lengthy period of time. Planning law requires that decisions on planning applications must be made in accordance with the Local Plan unless there are proper reasons that strongly indicate otherwise.
The Local Plan is the starting point for planning for the infrastructure needed for an area including health and education provision, community facilities, transport, telecommunications, water supply, wastewater and flood risk. It must also consider sustainability, biodiversity and the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change.
Having no Local Plan is not an option as this puts no controls on development and what is acceptable. It can lead to unacceptable or uncontrolled development and expensive enforcement actions.
Community involvement should be central to developing the vision needed for the future of our district. So – take part, be a part of planning our future. Not all the locations in the consultation documents will be developed, so your comments can make a real difference.
The consultation document and accompanying materials are available to view on the South Warwickshire Local Plan website. The website also gives details of drop-in events where residents can attend to ask questions. There are short videos and maps. Copies of the documents are also available at libraries and council offices.
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