In January the latest public consultation on a new Local Plan will be launched. The ‘Preferred Options’ consultation is not the final Plan but a consultation on what sites are to be included going forward and what will be eliminated.
The Local Plan will govern the basis for determining all planning applications in our District for the next 25 years. It must do so in a in a way that supports local needs, setting a vision as well as a framework for the future development of the area.
We know we must comply with the law set by Government. This includes having a five-year housing supply and meeting new mandatory housing targets. If we don’t comply, the Local Plan will not be passed by an Inspector.
However, we believe that a Local Plan must also address local needs including affordable housing and a strong local economy. It must ensure that community facilities, school places and GP surgeries are provided. It must address transport links, make a positive contribution to the health and wellbeing of our residents, safeguard and reverse damage to the environment, address climate change and secure high-quality accessible design. This is a high standard that must be met.
A 25-year Local Plan will provide a degree of certainty for communities, businesses and investors. This will assist in getting investment for much needed facilities, making sure they are provided before or in the early stages of development. All development must be properly phased over the next 25 years to allow communities to properly develop and also demonstrate that it is suitable, is in the right place and meets local needs.
Stratford-on-Avon District Council has bitter experience of not having a Local Plan in place. The lack of a Local Plan in the years before 2016 resulted in planning applications refused by the Council being overturned and granted when applicants appealed to Planning Inspectors. Development occurred without proper infrastructure.
Lack of a Plan resulted in huge costs to the Council. A report in 2017* stated that between 2012 and 2017 over £2.3m was paid out in Appeals and legal costs. This was money that could have been spent on front line services.
Councillors from Warwick and Stratford-on-Avon District Councils will meet on Thursday 12 December to consider the recommendation for the South Warwickshire Local Plan consultation. If agreed, the consultation will begin in early January allowing residents, businesses and other stakeholders to have their say on this next stage. For planning to thrive it must be based on a proper process which includes listening to local views.
It is essential to realise that this ’Preferred Options’ Local Plan report will not be the final Local Plan. Some options will be eliminated after this third round of consultation. We still don’t know the final amount of development Government will force us to have, but the new settlements suggested by our consultants is a ‘long list’ which will certainly exceed what will be needed.
The Local Plan will eventually be examined by an independent inspector. His role will be to assess whether the plan has been prepared in line with all legal requirements and whether it is “sound”. Residents and Parish Councils will have another opportunity to make a case for or against any proposal during the inspection process.
* Audit and Standards Committee Report – 30th January 2017
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