District Matters

Slow recovery

July 2020

The slow recovery from COVID-19 continues. Whilst it is clear that Stratford-upon-Avon is getting busier and more people are getting into the town, the data we have from our car park numbers indicate usage is between 40-50% of last year. Unsurprisingly weekends are busier than weekdays.

Furthermore, I have to report that the clear message I get from the business people who attend the CWLEP and WMCA Economic Recovery Group is that the recovery is slower than expected. This is particularly true of the hospitality, arts and culture sectors. Unsurprisingly this affects Stratford badly.

For us recovery is, I am afraid, going to be a long, slow haul.

We have yet to hear any news about our bid for the Riverside Corridor project. I understand that decisions will be made by the end of this month. I am told that there will be more rounds of funding available, which is good news should we not be successful in this round.

On a more positive note we have been advised that there is going to be a third round of Government funding available for local authorities. We should benefit considerably from this, although it will by no means offset all the negative impacts we have felt through being hit so hard by loss of income. The prospect of additional funding will also buy us a bit more time to put together plans to tackle the substantial budget shortfall. The relentless and intensive lobbying we have done over the last four months has paid off.

The support the Government has announced for the arts and culture will also help, although the devil as always will be in the detail.

I am working hard with a group consisting of Shakespeare's England, the CWLEP, the RSC and the Birthplace Trust to put together a reality case and ask of Government to support us through the next 18 months to two years and position our tourist industry to return to growth.

Outside of Stratford Town we are continuing to work with the University of Warwick on the development of the Wellesbourne Campus. There should be some good news to announce shortly.

In September, the Government have announced that they will be issuing a ‘white paper' that will identify options for increasing the powers for local government, as well as undertaking a review of the structure of local government. Ahead of this Stratford have already decided that it would like to work more closely with Warwick District Council on areas such as sharing a number of senior positions, jointly tendering for large contracts and working together on the next version of our Core Strategy. All of these initiatives are designed to provide benefits for our residents and businesses whilst at the same time reducing costs.

In addition, the Council is calling upon the County Council and all other district and borough councils within Warwickshire to commission a review to help determine the best structure of local government for the future. During this review we will be seeking the views of the public, the town and parish councils and our businesses. Further details on this review will be available shortly.

Whilst the number of COVID-19 cases have flattened across the district, the importance of social distancing and rigorous hand hygiene measures continue to be absolutely essential across all settings.

Life will continue to be very busy and, it looks as though it is going to be far from boring.

Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 03/10/2022