District Matters

Local elections

(May 2021)

It has been an interesting time since my last Leader's Column. We have had elections and, on a personal note, I have had a hip replaced. One of the ke...

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Positive and Optimistic views

(April 2021)

It's been a year since Covid-19 hit. The last year can easily be described as fraught with lots of ups and downs. Now, however, we can I think, see th...

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The Leader takes a look at the past year and the impact of COVID-19 on the District

(March 2021)

(Additional post from the Leader not published in the Stratford Herald)...

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Deepest recession in 300 years

(February 2021)

We have just had the figures released that confirm we have had the deepest recession in 300 years. Whilst people will have noticed the impact of the r...

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Supporting the regeneration of local economy

(January 2021)

A belated Happy New Year, such as it is. 2021 has started with a mixture of trepidation, another lock down and rocketing infections and hope as the va...

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 03/10/2022