District Matters

Renewable energy generated this winter

(February 2023)

It appears that we ‘dodged a bullet' this winter. It has been relatively mild and windy, so, although National Grid put coal fired...

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Budget for the new year

(January 2023)

It's 2023 already and as usual the first item on the agenda is the budget. Once again, we have only had a detailed settlement with numbers for one yea...

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End of volatile year

(December 2022)

It is the end of yet another turbulent and volatile year. No sooner had we emerged from Covid than Putin invaded Ukraine. This immediately caused spik...

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Reviewing the budget

(November 2022)

Last month's column set out the economic backdrop which informs our thinking about budgeting. The outlook was not good. Not much has changed....

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Unpredictable economy

(October 2022)

It is amazing how much can happen in a month. If anyone thought we did not live in unpredictable, unstable and volatile times, the last month will hav...

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 18/07/2024