District Matters

Rapid changes

(August 2022)

Well, it's amazing the difference a month makes. It is becoming increasingly evident that the world has changed. The combination of war in Ukraine and...

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Exporting electricity and its costs

(July 2022)

Last month I went to visit friends in South Africa. One of the more interesting experiences was regular power cuts. Anyone who doubts that the most im...

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Climate Change – The Elephant is now in the room

(June 2022)

This month's District Matters contribution is from Cllr Ian Shenton, Climate Change Portfolio...

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Cushion the impacts of national trends

(May 2022)

There's a storm coming. That seems to me to be the only way to describe what appears to be coming down the track for us at the moment. Inflation is ra...

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Working together and effectively to ride the storm

(April 2022)

Last week we were able to support our first Ukrainian refugees. The story they told had a profound effect on our customer services team dealing with t...

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 03/10/2022