District Matters

Planning and Infrastructure within the District

(October 2019)

Planning Policy is a major service area for the Council; as it has to continually engage in plan-making and the preparation of various land-use plans,...

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Democratic Services in the District Council

(September 2019)

People frequently question what the District Council does. In the last Leader's Column, I covered Licensing and Planning; this time it is Democratic S...

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Our District and its Council

(August 2019)

I thought I would do something a bit different this time and provide some basics about the District Council and what we do....

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next steps after Brexit

(July 2019)

I recently spent three days at the Local Government Association (LGA) Annual Conference in Bournemouth. The key message coming out was that there was ...

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New Corporate Strategy

(July 2019)

Cabinet and the management team are currently working on our Corporate Strategy for the next four years. We have now had two meetings facilitated by a...

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Contact: The Communications team

Last updated on 03/10/2022